I'm here! Whoosh!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

long time, no see!

I'm not dead...still here. I put off coming here because I really didn't want to sign up with google service, but...oh well...

so...what the hell should I do with this thing now? I keep everything else at my lj.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So scattered reports are coming in from everywhere about the 'A Dog's Breakfast' screening. Wish I could've gone, but wrong side of the contintent for me. There's a lot of great stories kicking around, but if you want something slightly more 'offical', go to Kate Hewlett's blog

So I was doing pretty good with updating there for a bit (a whopping 3 days apparently) then another long silence populated by the passing of the internet tumbleweeds. Tomorrow in the USA, is Thanksgiving. The holiday that you're supposed to use to reflect on the things that you're most thankful for in your life. Which in most cases turns out to be all manners of desserts imaginable, watching football, getting snockered off of spiced eggnog & having leftover turkey sandwiches for 2 weeks. Oh and shopping. Lots & lots of shopping. Getting up at 6am to beat the rush at the local department store. I never could get that part. I like people, but I don't like them crushed around me like sardines in a tin can. Too much closness with my fellow man, there. I usually shop well before Christmas. Though I didn't manage that this year. Ah well. Santa will bring the gifts, I'm sure.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

the guy

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The bug has bitten!

The cleaning bug that is. And man o' man did that sucker get me good today! Whew! I don't think my house has been this clean in 6 months. It was like everywhere I went I saw something that I just had to clean *right now*. I mean really, how many people do you know of who would actually clean the front of their washing machine? (it did look a bit dirty).

From there it went on to the great bathroom crusade - it's certainly nice not to have to fight over the throne room when you have 2 & 1/2 of them, but it adds to the list of stuff that must be cleaned. All 3 got a scrubbing and then I went ....um where? Oh wait, this is at the end of the list, the beginning involved the dirty vs. clean dishes as to who wanted to claim space in the dishwasher (the dirtys won that one). Then I vacuumed, mopped floor, cycled through 3 loads of laundry, swept the leaves off the back deck & front stairs and probably whole bunch of other stuff that's just gotten blurred together now. Besides, you really didn't want to know my cleaning exploits anyway, did ya?

I suppose now I can feel less guilty about parking myself in front of the computer for a few hours (or more ;). It's not like I got nothing at all done today. Besides which, every once in a while I have to do something just to make that little consicence gnome shut up. My fru-fru fun fairy gets mad when that happens.

Man, I can see that it's going to be interesting to decide between where to post - here or LJ. Guess I'll just have to rotate 'em. Hope y'all can keep up! Whee! *bounces off to go play with the fairy*

Friday, November 03, 2006

TGIF! Finally!

Holy Shit was today busy! I swear I didn't have a free minute since I walked into work this morning til about 5 hit. Whew! Nothing like trying to work through getting data straight in a database that just dosen't want to cooperate. You'd think a web-based application would be so easy & straight forward wouldn't ya? Not this thing. I swear it has got to be one of the worst industy specific (clinical that is) programs I've come across. It works alright on my end for the most part, but our poor sites have been having issues all day with losing data. Stupid thing!

Anyways, I'll be playing around on the net some more. I got some more pictures that I should upload plus once I get around to getting the film developed and the nifty cd of everything converted to digital, I'll have more.

Now, where was I & where was I going?.....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Man, I never thought that meeting people in a geeky forum would lead me to populate myself all over the net (livejournal, deviantart, now here). Guess it grows on ya!

So I'll be doing all the usual things here, changing the look like a half dozen times before I settle on something, adding pics & in general making a nusiance of myself.

Come on in & sit a spell, have a sip of sweet tea & chill out. Yep, I be mostly southern (as a friend reminded me I'll technically a damn yankee coz' I am originally from the state of NY but moved south at age 9. So I have somewhat of an accent.

Either way, welcome!