I'm here! Whoosh!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Man, I never thought that meeting people in a geeky forum would lead me to populate myself all over the net (livejournal, deviantart, now here). Guess it grows on ya!

So I'll be doing all the usual things here, changing the look like a half dozen times before I settle on something, adding pics & in general making a nusiance of myself.

Come on in & sit a spell, have a sip of sweet tea & chill out. Yep, I be mostly southern (as a friend reminded me I'll technically a damn yankee coz' I am originally from the state of NY but moved south at age 9. So I have somewhat of an accent.

Either way, welcome!


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Damn Yankee, but we'll claim you as a southerner. Since I'm a transplant also!

At 7:32 PM, Blogger LttleDvl said...

Thanks! It seems more fitting anyway. I don't really like snow, I hate the cold weather & I can't stand to drink iced tea without sugar. What would you call that, flavored brown water?

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Misty aka s_aurius said...

LOL. Yeah, just cause you're a d*mn yankee doesn't mean we don't like you. I'm married to one! He's originally from MA so... :P
hehe brown water yep. good stuff.


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